Saturday, February 25, 2012

What requirements do I need for a computer if I play computer games?

I am looking for a good computer I can buy for the internet, games and creating and uploading media? And still buy it on a strict budget? What are the bare requirements do I need?What requirements do I need for a computer if I play computer games?
well thats hard to answer, as you didnt post a budget if you had i coulda built you a decent pc just built my mom one that really decent for around 300$ (minus the case and OS)

for around 500 or so you can build a good gaming/media rig that will last a while.

i suggest checking out

they have the best prices and really good service

But key basics are a Motherboard CPU Video card Power supply Ram

hard drive and a cd/dvd-rom

MOBo you looking at around 50-150$ cpu around 100-150$(something decent) power supply 50-100$ Ram will run areoun 50$ hard drive about 50$ as well and a cd/dvd-rom will be like 20-30$What requirements do I need for a computer if I play computer games?
a good processor, a good video card and the more gigs of ram (memory) the better

being on a budget wont help, the good stuff is expensive

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