Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What should I do about my boyfriend playing computer games?

Whenever he plays a computer game he usually plays it for at least 4 hours. If he is not playing games at my house, he is playing at one of his friends house. He lied when I ask him if he played last night and I think his gaming is getting out of control. He says he plays twice a week but I really don't know. Am I just freaking out over nothing or what? Should I tell him that his gaming is ruining our relationship?What should I do about my boyfriend playing computer games?
when he is doing this you need to have a life of your own. He thinks you will sit and wait for him. DON'T. Leave and go hang out with your girlfriends or do something for you. Girlfriends are better friends anyway. Much more fun to be around too.

who cares if he does this. just don't let it control your life.
You could try to enter his world by asking him questions about his games. Then u can slowly bring him back. http://www.spacestationvideoga鈥?/a>

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What should I do about my boyfriend playing computer games?
well, it sounds like he is playing world of warcraft because i have alot friends who play that game and they play it for like 20 hours on end... if this addiction is ruining your relationship you should definatly make him choose between u or the game, but he shouldnt stop completely,it would be near impossible if it was WoW... just tell him to lay off of it for a while or you are gone. and when he does stop, sorta treat him super good

hope this helps!!!
I dated two men who played computer games or were on the computer frequently. It was rather sad. One would carry his computer whereever he went.

I don't think you're freaking out, but at the same time in relationships we can't expect others to change. What you could do is let him know why you are concerned and why you feel affected by it. You might want to preface by saying that you know that part what you say comes from an emotional level and doesn't necessarily mean that you are right. However, you want to express some of the difficulties you have with his habits. However, don't expect change. Ask him and be open ended about what to do.

Sometimes, it could be that he may accommodate you, or he may suggest his own guidelines such as he will not play when you are visiting or whatnot. Other times, it may turn out that it's the moment for you to internally reflect on why this habit of his necessarily bothers you and if you too might have habits that bother him.

So a couple of things:

1. don't expect him to change

2. when you tell him your thoughts, you want to allow for open endedness and not go with a pronouncement of what he should or should not do.

3. our reactions towards other people's habits are good opportunities for us to examine more deeply why it bothers us and if we can let go of expectationsWhat should I do about my boyfriend playing computer games?
Nothing wrong with gaming.

I think you should play the games with him! People who game together stay together.


I play games with my BF all the time and it's a blast! Plus I wasn't really a gamer when I met him and he opened up a whole new world for me. Try it. It's fun! It will only ruin your relationship if you let it, I'm sure there are things you like that he doesn't.
Yay for librarygoddess :D I was starting to wonder if anyone was going to say that. Instead of trying to make him stop something he enjoys, try it with him. Most guys hate shopping, but they will still go with thier girlfriends or wives because they know it is something she enjoys. Just try playing a game with him, you never know you might really enjoy it. Kicking his butt in Halo is a good way to take out frustrations LOL
ok well my old roommate was a huge gamer and he has a girlfriend. he played computer games every night for hours and she was fine with it. she would sit next to him whilest he played and would watch tv....they are gonna get married prolly.stick with him. hes gonna go far with him life...just like your boyfriend :) :) :)
well it shuldnt matter if he plays when hes not with u... if he plays in FRONT of you and somehow wants the game mor than a girl then he needs to get som fkin balls and grow up.. i play cp games a lot but i wuld TOTALLy give it up for a girl... talk to him...
I agree, he defiantly needs to cut back on his gaming. If he seems to put gaming before you, then he doesn't sound like a good bf for you. I would try to talk to him.

If his computer still looks like his main priority, then i would break up
ughh i know how u feel my bf does that too he plays for 5 hours at night. but look at like this atleast hes not out with his friends cheating on you and you know what hes doing.. just give him his time to play his games and have him make time for you..
its not a big thing really, but u shood tell him how u feel. confront him. ask him where u stand in his life, or if u want to have sum fun, while hes playing, seduce him. show him why he wants u in his life.
All guys play video games.

If he would rather play the games then be with you, then the games are ruining your relationship.
Leave him be.If you did'nt want to date a nerd then maybe you should look elsewhere.Noone should have to pretend to be someone else.If he likes games then that is not your concern.
Pour water on his hard drive while hes out (turn off the computer and unplug it first).
YOur boyfriend needs a real life. He sounds very childish. You need to move on to someone who has more to offer than level 5 mario brothers
Try a professional tool like the dreamlover 2000 boyfriend training system
does he ignore u to play it?

if he does then u need to tell him the problem
Sounds like he plays a lot. Tell him if you gotta a problem, he aint gonna stop less you let him know whats up.
sounds like you need to be more tolerant of his interests you seem like a high maintenance person

calm down and let him enjoy himself
Sounds typical of a young guy.. You don't need to control him ..

He sounds normal.
Maybe he's watching porn cause you don't satisfy his needs.
Break up with him, he's more into gaming than he is into you.
True life - im dating an absolute loser
i would talk to him.. it sounds like my dad in 2 days he played ps3 for like 12 hours
Get a a boyfriend who is more mature!
Thats what guys do.
my bf plays his beloved xbox all day!! think how i must feel.
pull the plug on the computer
He sounds kind of geeky...

Give him a choice: YOU or GAMING

Please answer my latest question
Meh.. everyone needs a hobby, that's his. He's not hurting anyone.


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